
Showing posts from August, 2023
Establishing a nonprofit in Ohio 1.       Name Your Organization-  The first step in creating a nonprofit is to choose a name. In the state of Ohio, the only requirement for naming a nonprofit is that it must be different from all others recorded by the Secretary of State. 2.       Name Incorporators and Directors-  This is where the leadership team is formed. In this case, the leadership will be the board of directors and officers. The state of Ohio requires that you have a minimum of three directors. The directors do not have to reside in the state or be members of the organization unless stated otherwise in the bylaws. 3.       Appoint a Registered Agent-  Ohio requires all nonprofit organizations to have a registered agent. The Registered agent can be an individual or company and be responsible for receiving all legal notifications for the nonprofit. This person or business is required to have a physical address in the state of Ohio. 4.       File Ohio Articles of Incorporation-  

Mole Salamander Family

 Family: Ambystomatidae This Family of salamanders is found all over the world in many different forms. Some of the more well-known species in this family include the spotted salamander, tiger salamander, marbled salamander, and the very well-known axolotl. this family of salamanders has chunky bodies with broad, flat heads and short legs. they have 10 costal grooves. most species has a larval stage that extends 3-4 months.